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How to Reduce Cart Abandonment in Your Shopify Store

Abandoning carts is a common issue of every online ecommerce business, this is not o in Shopify stores. Customers add products in their cart and due to some reason they do not complete the purchase it can be frustrating but it is also an opportunity. By understanding the reason for cart abandonment, and by implementing the recovery strategies you can increase your business revenue. In this article we will discuss the powerful strategies for reducing cart abandonment.

What is Shopify Cart Abandonment?

If any customer adds the products in cart from your shopify site and leaves the site before completing the purchase it is called cart abandonment. It is like a customer comes into your physical store and takes and puts products in a shopping trolley but leaves the store before purchasing any product. This is a big issue because all the efforts applied for getting your targeting customers are waste, so it is very important to find the issue why the customers are abandoning cart before purchase and need to resolve these issues. It can occur due to many  reasons like shipping, payment options or mind change.

Top Reasons for Cart Abandonment

Here are some of the most common reasons for cart abandonment:

Account Required

Not every customer wants to create an account before checkout because it is a very time-consuming process. If your Shopify store requires an account for purchase, it can increase the chances of cart abandonment by around 24%. The workaround is to create a guest checkout on your site.

Hidden Costs Added at Checkout

Customers purchase the product according to their budget but if any additional cost is added in checkout then it reduces the chance of purchase, so the better option is being transparent about extra costs that will be charged. Hidden costs make customers distrust and frustrated also.

Complicated Checkout Process 

Customers want an easy and fast checkout process. If your store requires filling out multiple time-consuming forms, has confusing navigation and flow, and limited payment methods, it increases the chances of cart abandonment. To resolve the issue, make the checkout process easy and fast with only required details.

Discount Coupon Code Errors

It is difficult for customers to get a discount due to coupon code error. It can be a major issue in purchase. So properly test and make sure your coupon code is working correctly before promoting the code.

Slow Page Load Speed

The loading speed of your checkout and all pages has a significant impact on purchase decisions. Customers expect a fast site experience, and slow loading can increase cart abandonment.

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Some Strategies to Decrease Cart Abandonment in Your Shopify Store

By implementing some strategies in your Shopify store you can decrease cart abandonment. Some important strategies are given below:

Offer Free Shipping 

Additional cost or high shipping charges are very common issues of cart abandonment. By implementing free shipping you can reduce the abandonment rate. Free shipping is not beneficial for small amounts of orders but you can implement this with some limitations. For example, the above purchase of $99 order will be applicable for free shipping.

Simplify the Checkout Process

Proper testing and simplifying the checkout process decreases cart abandonment. Remove unessential fields and make a simple  process of your store checkout. Also implement the clear navigation to guide online shoppers in a simple way. To optimize your checkout you can add a “Buy Now” button on the product page to reduce the lengthy process.

Use Multiple Payment Options

There are multiple types of payment  options present in today’s time. Many customers abandoned the cart because of their payment option not present there. So it is required for a good site, use the popular payment methods like digital wallet, credit card, debit card, paypal, apple pay and google pay in your store. Using a variety of payment methods you can reduce the chance of cart abandonment.

Create Reward and Discount Coupons Codes

Offer reward and discount  code to customers, it encourages the customer to purchase the products. You can target customers with products in their cart, offer them some discount or price drop notification to reduce the chance of cart abandonment.

Implement Guest Checkout

If in your store for purchase, a customer account is required then it increases the chance of abandonment cart because not every customer wants to register at the time of purchase because customer registration is a time consuming process. So you need to implement guest checkout on your online store and reduce the cart abandonment rate.

Send Abandonment Cart Messages

When the customer attempts to abandon the cart then you can send them the message or you can offer them the discount after. This will encourage customers to complete the purchase.


In today’s competitive e-commerce world, reducing cart abandonment and improving recovery rates is crucial for increasing store revenue. It is necessary to analyze and understand the reasons behind cart abandonment and resolve the issues to boost sales profit and business revenue. To stay ahead in the competition, make sure to continuously monitor, analyze, and optimize your process. By implementing the above points effectively in your Shopify store, you can reduce the cart abandonment rate. Use tools like Shopify abandoned cart email, Shopify cart abandonment report, Shopify abandoned cart automation, Shopify abandoned cart discount, and Abandoned Checkout API Shopify to aid in your efforts.

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