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Shopify Wholesale App
OSCP Wholesale App for Shopify2024-09-18T13:05:55+00:00
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OSCP Wholesale App

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Create Wholesale pricing based on Collections, Products and its variants based on Customer Tags

Wholesale App Install
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  • Osc Wholesale Page
  • Osc Wholesale Page
  • Osc Wholesale Page

App introduction

Create Wholesale pricing based on Collections, Products and its variants based on Customer Tags!

App details:

Now it’s easy to offer Wholesale pricing or tiered discount on your store to increase the average order value. Set tiered pricing on selected products and collections based on customer Tags. Create customer groups and offer a special volume discount for different customers. You can also provide a quantity break discount using tier pricing for each product variant.

Feature list

  1. Discount based on quantity for Products and Collections.
  2. Offer Wholesale pricing to customers with a special Tag.
  3. Option to enable or disable each offer created.
  4. Price at each tier can be fixed price or a percentage off.

Quick installation and support

It’s easy! – In case of any query, check the App Setup Page in Shopify Admin or simply Contact Us for support

General FAQs


What are the benefits of the Wholesale app?2024-09-18T09:47:52+00:00

By Default shopify does not provide tier pricing & customer group ( tag ) based pricing which is a requirement for a wholesale store. Using our app your store becomes a wholesale store.

What is the advantage of using a Shopify app for tiered pricing?2024-09-18T09:48:23+00:00

Using a Shopify app like Wholesale App for quantity breaks, allows you to implement a tiered pricing strategy effortlessly. This means you can offer discounts that increase with the order size, incentivizing larger purchases.

Theme Version compatibility

Does this App support Shopify 2.0 theme?2024-09-18T09:51:04+00:00

Yes, App supports Shopify 2.0 Theme. In case there are some custom changes on your store, you can make App compatible with simple changes in App embeds.

What happens to a store when the theme is updated?2024-09-18T09:51:41+00:00

Tier pricing will be affected if we have done custom changes on your store’s App. You might need to re-configure the app only if the theme is changed.

B2B Feature

Does this app allow customers to request a wholesale account where they can see the wholesale prices?2024-09-18T09:52:11+00:00

Yes, wholesale account form is available on the website. You can offer tier pricing to customer groups / tags using App.

Discount Rules

Will the discount codes of Shopify work with tier pricing?2024-09-18T09:52:47+00:00

As of now when cart contains a tier priced product then Shopify discount code cannot be applied on Cart and Checkout. In case cart do not have tier pricing products then Shopify discount code can be applied on Cart and Checkout.

What if I have tier price at variant level, Product level and Collection level?2024-09-18T09:53:29+00:00

In this case Variant will have the highest priority over product and collection. That means the Tier price offered at variant level will be displayed on the Product Page.

What if a product is in two collections and both collections have different tier price rules?2024-09-18T09:54:34+00:00

The Collection with Offer which is displayed on Top in “List of Offers” will be applied. Then the next Collection Offer that is in the list will be applied.

Request For new Features

Can OSCP Wholesale App add specific features I need?2024-09-18T09:55:14+00:00

Absolutely! We’re eager to hear your needs and can quickly add custom features to the OSCP Wholesale App. Get in touch, and let’s discuss how we can help.

Customer Support  / Troubleshooting

How can I get help with a technical issue?2024-09-18T09:56:07+00:00

Our support team is available 24/7. Just describe the problem, and we’ll work quickly to solve it for you. We have email support. Please click on below link :


How long does it take to receive a reply from support?2024-09-18T09:56:52+00:00

We will reply within 24 Hrs.

For Advance Faq

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Features that makes app different!

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