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Tier Price in Magento

Tier price in Magento is used to offer quantity discount. It is a promotional activity that you can offer to your customer and attract towards product. Tier price will offer to specific quantities. When customer will add that quantity tier price will display.
How to set Tier Price?

  • Create Product by using product creation method
  • In Price field, enter Price of product, and then click on Add Tier button to set Tier price Tier Price in Magento-1
  • To set Tier price complete Tier price informationYou can set different Tier Price with different quantities, different customer group, and with different price.Tier Price in Magento-2
    • Website: Select from drop-down to which, you want to offer tier price.
    • Customer Group: Select customer group to which, you want to offer tier price. You can select all customer groups also.
    • Qty: You can set quantities, to offer tier price. When customer will purchase in this quantities then customer get the benefit of Tier price.
    • Price: Enter value to your Tier price

    After that Save product

    • Tier Price in Product Listing Page:Tier Price in Magento-3
    • Tier Price in Product Page:Tier Price in Magento-4

Shopping Cart page:

  • For quantity 2 and above, tier price get applyTier Price in Magento-5

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