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Boost Your Shopify Speed: Conquer “Image Elements Do Not Have Explicit Width and Height”

Bhavesha | February 7, 2024 | 7 min read

Slow image loading cripples your Shopify store’s speed and conversions. Conquer this common issue with expert techniques from our software development team.

Challenge: Missing Image Dimensions

  • “Image elements do not have explicit width and height” warnings plague many Shopify stores.
  • Impact: This hinders layout stability, causing frustrating jumps and delays for users.

Solution: Embrace Precise Image Optimization

  • Define Image Dimensions: Explicitly include width and height attributes in your image tags. This guides browsers for optimal rendering, preventing layout shifts.
  • Leverage Image Optimization Tools: Employ tools like:
    1. Shopify’s built-in image optimizer: Compress images without quality loss.
    2. Third-party optimization tools: Explore advanced options for further compression.
  • Optimization Tips: Our 50+ Shopify speed optimization projects yielded valuable insights:
    1. Resize images to match their display size: Don’t load unnecessarily large images.
    2. Utilize modern image formats: Consider WebP for superior compression over JPEG.
    3. Enable lazy loading: Delay image loading until scrolled into view, boosting perceived speed.

Go Beyond the Basics with Site Speed Analysis Tools

  • Google PageSpeed Insights: Get personalized recommendations for website performance improvement.
  • GTMetrix: Analyze loading times and pinpoint optimization opportunities.
  • Google Lighthouse: Integrate with development workflows for continuous speed monitoring.

What is “Image Elements do not have explicit width and height”

This guide, crafted by our expert software developers, equips you with the knowledge and techniques to conquer this issue and unlock lightning-fast website performance.

Understanding the Problem

Images lacking explicit width and height attributes create layout instability. Browsers guesstimate their size, causing jarring shifts as the page loads. This frustrates users and your Shopify speed optimization efforts.

The Solution: Embrace Precise Image Dimensions

  • Harness width and height Attributes: Explicitly define image dimensions within your image tags. This guides browsers for optimal rendering, preventing layout shifts and boosting perceived speed.
  • Leverage CSS Aspect Ratio Boxes (Alternative): If defining exact dimensions isn’t feasible, reserve the required space using CSS aspect ratio boxes. This ensures correct image display regardless of screen size or resolution.


  • width:100% is insufficient: It doesn’t provide an explicit width, leaving browsers to guess.

Here’s an example:

<img src="cat.jpg" width="640" height="360" alt="cat text"/>

  • Avoid height:auto: This instructs the browser to set the height based on assumptions, impacting layout stability.

Here’s an example:

img {
width: 100%; /* or max-width: 100%; */
height: auto;


<img src="cat.jpg" width="640" height="360" alt="cat text"/>


i) width:100% does not give an element an explicit width.
ii) height:auto also does not give an image an explicit height, you are instructing the browser to make the image height whatever it thinks is appropriate based on the image proportions or the size of the container.


img {
width: 100%; /* or max-width: 100%; */
height: auto;

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How to Fix “Image Elements do not have Explicit Width and Height”

Is “Image Elements Do Not Have Explicit Width and Height” plaguing your Shopify store’s speed reports? Our expert web developers have crafted this guide to empower you with the knowledge and techniques to eliminate this issue and unlock lightning-fast performance.

Understanding the Challenge

Images lacking defined width and height attributes create layout instability. Browsers guesstimate their size, causing jarring shifts as the page loads. This frustrates users and cripples your Shopify speed optimization efforts.

The Solution: Embrace Precise Image Dimensions

  • Harness the Power of width and height Attributes: Explicitly define image dimensions within your image tags. This guides browsers for optimal rendering, preventing layout shifts and boosting perceived speed.
  • Leverage CSS Aspect Ratio Boxes (Alternative): If defining exact dimensions isn’t feasible, reserve the required space using CSS aspect ratio boxes. This ensures correct image display regardless of screen size or resolution.

Here’s an example

< img src="image.jpg" width="200" height="100">


This code snippet defines an image with a width of 200 pixels and a height of 100 pixels. By explicitly specifying these dimensions using the width and height attributes, you provide crucial information to the browser. This allows the browser to allocate the correct amount of space before loading the image, preventing layout shifts and improving web page rendering performance.

Shopify Example


< img src=”{{ product.images[position_img_2] | img_url: ’50×50′ }}” 
data-src=”{{ img_url }}” />
data-widths= ”[180, 360, 540, 720, 900, 1080, 1296, 1512, 1728, 2048]”
data-aspectratio= ”{{ product.images[position_img_2].aspect_ratio }}”
class=”lazyload attachment-shop_catalog size-shop_catalog”


< img src=”{{ product.images[position_img_2] | img_url: ’50×50′ }}”
data-src=”{{ img_url }}”
data-widths=”[180, 360, 540, 720, 900, 1080, 1296, 1512, 1728, 2048]”
data-aspectratio=”{{ product.images[position_img_2].aspect_ratio }}”
data-sizes=” auto”
class=”lazyload attachment-shop_catalog size-shop_catalog”
width=”{{ product.images[position_img_2.width}}”
height=”{{ product.images[position_img_2.height}}”>

Shopify Speed Optimization: Ensuring Perfect Aspect Ratios for Your Images

Understanding and maintaining the correct aspect ratio is paramount in Shopify store optimization. An aspect ratio signifies the proportional relationship between the width and height of an image or display. This critical factor is often expressed in ratios like 4:3 or 16:9.

To enhance the visual appeal of your Shopify store, aspect ratio boxes play a crucial role. These graphical elements are strategically employed to display images or videos accurately, ensuring they appear correctly on screens of varying sizes and resolutions. Imagine an aspect ratio box with a 16:9 ratio—it acts as a safeguard, ensuring an image or video with a width of 16 units and a height of 9 units is displayed seamlessly.

Failure to align the aspect ratio of your content with that of the box may result in distortion or the unwarranted addition of black bars, compromising the visual integrity of your Shopify store. This issue is particularly pertinent in video production, web design, and other applications where maintaining the integrity of an image or video is crucial.

Our team of expert software developers at OSC Professionals understands the intricacies of Shopify speed optimization, emphasizing width and height considerations, image optimization, and the overall enhancement of your Shopify store. By implementing precise aspect ratios, we ensure that your visual content captivates your audience and ranks at the top of Google searches.

Benefits of Conquering Image Dimensions

  • Unleash Blazing-Fast Page Speed: Deliver a seamless user experience that keeps visitors engaged.
  • Improved SEO: Google favors fast-loading websites, potentially boosting your search ranking.
  • Enhanced Conversion Rates: Frustration-free browsing leads to higher purchase rates.


Don’t let missing image dimensions hinder your Shopify store’s success. Implement these expert techniques and leverage powerful tools to achieve optimal image optimization and lightning-fast website speed. Remember, a speedy store is a successful store!

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