Magento Customization : Core Principles for Theming in Magento

This instruction is designed for the developers who work for frontend, developers of UI as also makers who will be customizing themes and creating themes for the Magento Enterprise Edition platform. New developers should have knowledge as well as experience in skinning or theming of various other complicated websites. Magento template integration and Magento customization  can help you to boost your online business.
New developers must have a good knowledge of CSS and HTML. Also New developers should comfortable in editing CSS and HTML straightaway, not using just an editor WYSIWYG. New developers should be working comfortably with FTP nodes. New developers should also already be acquainted with the Version of Magento Project feature set as well as functionality of frontend. Some experience with PHTML and PHP is helpful but not required.
Overview of Instruction
A strong debut to Magento’s practices as well as Magento’s template system. New developers will understand how Magento themes work and understand  the fundamentals of Magento’s template method and all the components of a theme, particularly page templates, layouts,and block templates. It will enable New developers to gain an understanding of the capabilities and parameters within their Magento store.
Components and Architecture of Magento template method. The components of the template method and how they inter-relate. Increase a abstract knowledge of the Magento template method. To make changes to multiple product or records of customer, it is much more effective to do it in a tabular computer system, like a spreadsheet.
Suggested Conceptualization to Creating any site. Understand what can and can not be changed at the theme level. Adopt a structured approach for evaluating and executing website customizations. Including what can be customized without theming.
For working with Themes New developers should understand how to work with themes. How to apply themes to Magento websites. Consider understanding the composition of directory, website scopes and fallback hierarchy.
For Making Modules with the Custom Theme Elements New developers should understand that how to use a module for your default theme reverses. How to declare and also create the frontend layout elements of a Magento module.
New developers will be able to Create new themes from scratch. New developers will be able to build them in a way that ensures the best possible upgrade path for their websites. New developers will be able to Customize both the look and feel and the functionality of a website at the theme level. Create a basic module with a controller.
Working with Page Templates, Layouts, and Block Templates, Understand how to modify templates at each level and the benefits of each. Understand the purpose, structure and interrelationship of all of the key components of the Magento template method.
For Creating Your Own Default Theme New developers should understand how to create your own design package and theme as a starting point for your designs. With the use of magento application you are in a position to build and manage your store/stores.