Required Plugin:
Download wordpress and configured it with woo-commerce
API Plugin’s for the application. You need to install this plugin’s to your Web Portal (WordPress).
Note: To download this plugin’s visit the below URL
Sales Assist order integration with woocommerce Plugin’s :
How to configure:
A) Web Portal End:
Go to wordpress dashboard
Go to woocommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API > Enter details with READ & WRITE permission > Click on Generate API key
Then you can see Consumer Key & Consumer Secret Key.
B) Android Application end:
Go to Android application, Then click on woo-commerce plugin icon on dashboard,
To add connection, You need to enter your store URL with Generated Consumer Key & Consumer Secret Key
Also you can scan it by QR code
Save Connection
And Use it to upload orders on web portal
How to use:
Import Product and Customer from Woo-Commerce and import to app through csv, but format should be the same which is used in app
ex. SKU of product from woo-commerce replace with product code in csv of product or while adding product manually
You have to do same with customer csv as well.
Customer id of customer from woo-commerce replace with customer code in csv of customer or while adding customer manually.
From order List page you can upload Multiple Order by Long click on any order.
Then upload orders by click on upload order icon.
Tax order can not uploaded. Only Standard and Inventory order uploaded.
Edit price will not reflected in admin of Woo-commerce.