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Upgrade Your Magento Version with Us

We offer Magento upgrade. We will upgrade your Magento multi store from any version above to a higher version. We use SSH command prompt for upgrading process which upgrades Magento version successfully.
So make sure you have SSH support on your hosting. Also make sure that during development no core files were modified.

Steps involved in upgrading Magento version:

  1. Installing New Magento (version
  2. Re-indexingand checking functions by adding Products in cart.
  3. Removing Var/Cache and session.

Following outline describes the process of upgrading latest version of Magento, using command line tools:

  • Firstly, Before making any changes to the version you will have to create a backup of your database and code. You can take backup manually or by MySQL and tar.
  • After the backup is been taken successfully, you can upgrade your Magento from old version to a latest one by using SSH commands.